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Funghi Pizza


(1 pizza)

Pizza dough (230gr)

A handful of seasonal mushroom 

1 Ball of mozzarella

½ White onion sliced in rings

Few leaves of fresh basil

A Small hand of finely chopped parsley

Black pepper

Grated parmesan cheese

Pinch of Chili flakes

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Pizza funghi is a classic. You’ll find it on a lot of pizza menus around the world. There are different ways to make one. You can go for some plain white mushrooms and just put them on the pizza or…Go for delicious grilled seasonal mushrooms and add little extras to make your pizza funghi,  funky! Well, that’s what I did, and I’m now gonna show you how.

For this pizza, you need to buy different, good quality mushrooms. You can choose from oyster mushrooms, portabella, king trumpet mushrooms or forest nameko. I went for some Oyster and King oyster mushrooms. 

Start by firing up your outdoor oven to about 450°C (842°F) and make sure your dough balls are already at room temperature.

Break the mushroom into smaller pieces (Not too small because they will shrink when you heat them). Put the mushrooms, some oil, slices of onion, garlic and parsley in a small grill or baking pan. Don’t add salt. It will make the moisture come out of the mushrooms and that will cook them  instead of bake them. Bake the mushrooms for around 2 minutes till they get a bit brown, and put them on the side. 

Shape your pizza and put on some fresh mozzarella. It’s okay to be generous Add some olive oil and fresh basil and put the baked mushrooms on the pizza. 

Add a few chili flakes to spice everything up and grate some good quality parmesan cheese on top. Your pizza is ready to go into the oven!

Keep a close eye on your pizza when baking.  The oven is very very hot, so you have to turn it several times, otherwise it will burn. 

Take out your pizza, top it off with black pepper, a little extra parmesan cheese (you can never have enough cheese ;)) and finish it with some fresh parsley. There you go! Isn’t this a funky funghi pizza?!

Enjoy !


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